Thursday, October 9, 2014

the one where I talk about myself + free glasses

I don't usually write much about myself. I typically stick to blogging about the kids because they are much cuter and more interesting. But I thought maybe one day, my children will want to know what I was actually like, aside from whatever random memories might stick in their heads. Maybe they'll remember what I sang to them each night, or how I took them to the zoo, but they'll probably forget about these little quirks that make me, me. I'm their mom, but I'm also a person...

So here are a few random things about me, that you probably didn't want to know, but that I hope my kids one day will want to know...

>>> I am painfully shy. This also makes me super awkward in social situations. It's a work in progress.

>>> Getting interrupted is my biggest pet peeve, although I accidentally do it to other people all the time.

>>> My eyes get worse with every baby that I have. Contacts don't like my eye balls for some reason, so I started wearing glasses full time. Wearing glasses isn't my favorite thing, but when I find a cute pair, like pictured above from Firmoo, it makes it much easier (*see below for more details).

>>> I love to sleep, but can never seem to get enough!

>>> I love to read, but am very picky about my books. They have to really catch my attention on the first page, or I just won't be able to get into it!

>>> Making things makes me happy. Okay, if you're reading this, then you definitely know that about me already, but it's a big part of my life so I had to add it to the list!

>>> I love history, mostly world war II era and the Regency period. Love me some Jane Austen!

>>> I watch an embarrassing amount of world war II documentaries on Netflix.

>>> I would pick a podcast to listen to, over music, any day.

>>> When I was growing up, and even in college, dance was my life. I didn't do, or think about, anything else. I never thought there would be a time in my life that I would actually choose to not dance. I do miss it sometimes, but I still get to do what I love even though my passions have changed.

>>> Diet Dr. Pepper is my drug. And Target trail mix. And ice cream.

>>> I can't fall asleep without some sort of noise, but it can't be music.

>>> I love being the mom of boys.

* The glasses pictured above are c/o I love the style that I chose and have had fun wearing them with my many fit n' flair dresses! If you have been struggling with contacts like I have, or just need to update your old pair of glasses, Firmoo has a lot of great, affordable styles to choose from! And did you know?  You can get your first pair of glasses for free! No joke. It's pretty rad.

And for any of you returning customers, Firmoo is offering $15 off vouchers for 5 lucky readers! Please visit Firmoo's site and comment with your favorite style of glasses and your email address. I will choose 5 lucky winners at random!

**I did receive free eyewear for this post, but all opinions are 100% mine.

1 comment :

  1. This is just lovely learning more about you. I am painfully shy myself and even at the age of 50, (I sound ancient) I still am awkward around new people or in a new social situation.
    Hugs and you are adorable,
