Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is a bike Lindsay and I found while we were driving around after church one Sunday. Some lady had just got off and walked inside as we were driving by... and now it sits at the bottom of our stairs for Lindsay to enjoy!

Really, there was a big sign that said free bike so we stopped and put it in the back. I wasn't sure what was wrong with it, but I was excited to take on a little project. Fortunately not much was wrong. After taking the whole bike apart and putting it back together with a little bit of grease on the chain and air in the tires, we didn't even need some of the things I bought to fix it up. The tubes were in good shape and the rest of the bike is the same way. The brakes squeek a little when you apply them, but other than that it was worth every penny.
Lindsay likes to ride except when she gets half-way up a hill and gets to the last turn of the pedal and starts to roll backwards. In her defence she is pregnant and re-learning to ride a bike!
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