My life has changed 100% since becoming a mother. I have loved every second of it. Ande has a way of making me feel like the most important, special person in the world, and that is certainly a great feeling! Today, I am also grateful for my own mom, who is my best friend. She has always put her children first, loving us and her 2 grandson's more than anything! And I have an amazing mother-in-law, who I wish we could see more of! She is such a great example of love and kindness to all those around her.
Now, enough of the mushy stuff, and on to what you really want to see...
Yep, you guessed it, another week full of cars and trucks!
Ande had some daddy/grandpa time last weekend. Somehow his daddy has a knack for finding big machinery to climb on.
Here he is on a Skid Steer they saw while taking a load of trash to the dump:

(yes, I now know all of the technical names for heavy duty construction machinery...)

Here he is checking out a front end loader that they spotted on the way home:

That thing is huge! Ande grabbed a few rocks off the ground to help fill up the big scoop.

Seeing that big front end loader is probably what inspired him to fill his own little truck up at church last Sunday. I guess if you can't find any rocks, then raisins will have to do!

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