Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Snapshots {7}

There was a Father-Son camp out this weekend with our church. It is an annual thing, and last year I wouldn't let Curtis take Ande. I am pretty protective over Ande's sleep, and I just knew he wasn't ready to go sleep in the woods. This year was different. Ande has never slept outside of a crib/pac'n'play before but I realized that as long as I didn't have to be there to worry about him, that it would be okay.
Curtis could deal with any sleep issues Ande might have and I could go off and enjoy a nice girl's night out.

And you know what? Everything turned out great. Ande had the time of his life.
He went right to sleep and even slept straight through the huge thunderstorms and rain that rolled by all night.
And I was able to relax and let him have fun (although I did almost freak out when the boys called me at 9:30p and Ande was still awake...almost).
The next morning was the best part for me, I got to sleep in, sew, and take a nice long leisurely shower.
I think I could really get into these "boys only" camp outs. Do we have to wait a whole year before the next one?

 Ande and his Papa after a good night's sleep...well more like a wet night's sleep.

 Besides getting to drive a skid steer, I think this dune buggy was the favorite activity.

 Trying to do a "thumbs up."

 I guess the torrential rains all night made things a little muddy...

 ...Or A LOT muddy!

 I'm pretty sure the stains on Ande's pajama pants are there for life...
All I can say is, I am SO glad the boys had such a good time, and I am SO glad that I got to shop/sleep in my nice, warm, clean, comfy bed.

On a completely different note, I just wanted to give a shout out to a fun link party over at Nifty Thrifty Things. If ever in need of fun ideas, check out the links of what so many people have been crafting up this week. You can also check it out today just to see that she featured my crochet bow tie t-shirt post!

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