Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1 month

Baby Owen is 1 whole month old now (and 2 days)!
Time sure does fly.
I still catch myself thinking that I am still pregnant sometimes.
When Ande goes to jump on my stomach, I yell "Watch out!" only to realize that there is no one in there anymore.

Well we are just loving baby O to death.
He is just precious, although he was none to happy about his 1 month photo op.

(notice the little matchbox motorcycle tucked into the H?)

Owen is cuddly, and sweet.
He only cries when we don't get the milk to him fast enough or when blasted with cold air as we change his diaper.
He is getting so big (because he eats like there is no tomorrow), I can't wait to see what he weighs at his appointment this week.

He makes the best faces, and that is something he gets from his big bro!
My favorite little quirk about this guy are his funny noises.
He grunts. A lot. It is hilarious.
He makes an "mmmmm" sound with every gulp of his milk like it is the best thing he has ever tasted (well...it is the best thing he has ever tasted, since it is the only thing he has ever tasted).
And he is just beginning to coo and make the cutest little noises when we talk to him.

He just started smiling and has really become alert to the world and people around him.
Did I mention he sleeps like a champ?
Well he does. He is, however, very partial to sleeping in our bed instead of his own.
He naps every day when Ande naps with a few extra snoozes on the side.
This little man can not seem to stay awake past 7:30 so we just started feeding him and putting him to bed by 8. He sleeps until 2:30 and does not wake up again until 6. 
It is great.
It would be even greater if he would just cut out that middle feeding!

Curtis has finally stopped coming home for lunch everyday to help me get the kids down for naps.
I'm officially on my own.
Luckily, we seem to be settling into a routine.
Heaven knows I can not live without a routine.
Ande has really started to love on Owen and has become so helpful.
He is mostly back to his sweet, and silly self, who I adore.

I am still a little grumpy in the mornings, but am feeling much better about everything.
I have slowly started working on some projects again and will hopefully have them ready to share soon-ish.
Having 2 kids is certainly an adjustment, but we are glad to make it!
We love our new little buddy, Owen, and can't wait to watch him grow.

1 comment :

  1. Enjoy your sleep. My girl is not a good sleeper! She's now 3 months old and I still am up with her 2,3 or 4 times a night! It's hard...especially since I have to get up in the mornings to take my oldest to school and then keep up with a 2 year old all day.
