I've been thinking a lot lately about being more present with my kids. I brought it up in a recent Instagram post. I've noticed in myself, and in so many around me, this need to constantly be connected. Nowadays, it's really no secret that social media can be addicting. The problem for me came when I realized that maybe I was one of those people that was addicted. I like to think that I'm aware of how often I pull out my phone to scroll Instagram or check my email, but I could be doing SO MUCH BETTER. I know you can probably relate. I want my children to have memories of me being with them, playing, and being available to answer their many questions. And for myself, I want to be more present in all of those moments so that I can enjoy life more.
To be honest, I love Instagram. (Who doesn't!?) I love posting pretty photos, the encouraging comments I receive, and the supportive community of other moms/creatives I've found. But I often turn to social media when I'm feeling bored. I like being creative and lately I've been scrolling Instagram for inspiration. But what I've found is that I'm doing more consuming than creating. And more and more often, I come away feeling discontent and insignificant.
Deep down, I know that I have creativity that is worth sharing and a life that is worth every bit of my attention and enjoyment. So I've made a plan to do a little less consuming and a little more creating. I'm going to make more of an effort to be fully THERE as a mother.

Last Friday as I was thinking about all of this, I decided to put my phone and computer away for the day and pull out my camera instead. I enjoyed so many beautiful and fun every day moments with my kids and I was able to be creative while doing it. Afternoons at home are often the hardest part of my day. It's easy for me to get in a funk of feeling bored and uninspired. I can't tell you how good it was for my soul to force myself to look for the inspiring moments where I wouldn't usually see them. I ended up with a little video of our afternoon. I found special details in a completely normal day as Lucy woke up from her nap and figured out how to make sounds with a recorder, as Owen and Milo built a couch-fort, and Ande built an epic Lego parking garage. It made going out on a date that night feel great because I knew I had soaked up some good quality time with the babes beforehand. And now, with this video, I can enjoy those moments over and over again.
The video I worked on is below, and I hope you'll follow along with my little journey through motherhood by subscribing to our channel while you're there!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N1h2UY3Lrk?ecver=1&w=560&h=315]
For our date night in the video, I wore my favorite lace midi dress! I got it from H&M a few years ago, and altered the sleeves from long sleeved to short! I looked for a similar lace dress to share and listed a few cute ones below!

(Click on a photo and the link will be listed below it!)
[gallery ids="6114,6113,6112,6111,6110,6109,6108,6107" type="square" columns="4"]
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