Thursday, October 23, 2014

a long excuse and the perfect little toddler necklace

I haven't blogged much lately and I really do miss writing in this space. I tend to be the type of person who dreams big and takes on a lot of tasks without being realistic about what I actually have time/energy to accomplish. The first thing on my list is always my family. I spend my mornings making sure the boys have something active and fun to do and I love doing that. The weather has been perfect for park play dates lately! The kids love playing with their friends, and I love chatting with mine!

During the sparse moments when I know that my family is taken care of (naptime and in the evenings), I've been working crazy hard writing new crochet patterns, knitting for my sanity, and working on new products. I also joined a local pop-up handmade market and I have loved being a part  of that (The Makers Market). Last month was only my second ever craft fair type gig. It was a lot of work, and I definitely have a lot to learn, but I really enjoyed it! It is empowering (and also terrifying) to stand there and show the world what I have made!

I never know how excited anyone else is going to get about the products I make but I certainly get excited about them! Sometimes I even sleep next to them...

My latest design are these adorable crochet beaded toddler necklaces!

I spent a while trying to work out the right materials and the style/amount of beads that I liked. Thanks to a friend with a toddler daughter of her own and a lot of pondering I finally landed on a final decision. 

The suede cording is soft and doesn't shed which makes these necklaces so comfortable for little baby skin! The beads are natural wood and the crochet thread is 100% cotton which makes them completely safe and even acceptable for little teething mouths to chew and slobber on (the necklaces are tied tight and secure, so no beads should be able to slip off)!

My favorite part is that you get to decide on your own color choices!

To purchase you can either stop by my shop, Love City Crochet, or simply shoot me an email with your preferred Paypal email and color choices and I'll send you a Paypal invoice! (

So there you have it... a glimpse into my jam-packed daily life. A lengthy (too lengthy?) excuse for my failure to entertain you more often with my ramblings and designs. And I didn't even get into the whole "sewing machine broke so I haven't even started the Halloween costumes yet" debacle, or the shows that I'm currently sucked into that are taking time away from what I should be doing, or the book that I started and love.

But we can save those for another day...

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