

  1. I am so excited to find your free Christmas stocking pattern. I've been trying for a very long time to make one; and did finally finish one last year; but it wasn't very good. This one looks like I might be able to do it. At least it is one peace and doesn't have to be sewn together. Thank You.

  2. thank you for sharing the athro headband. yes the book of mormon does change us !

  3. hello Lindsay....just love your pattern....I am looking forward to trying it because I am always interested in a pattern that can be used in my parish church Prayer Shawl Ministry...we also make baby extending the size to baby blanket size, what a wonderful gift to give.
    If it works out , if you don't mind, I will call it the Lindsay baby blanket....thanks...Bernadine

  4. thank you Lindsay for your wonderful pattern[ the crochet love - wrap sweader] I am always open to ideas for my Prayer Shawl Miinistry...we make shawls,baby blankets,prayer squares,lap robes...and this pattern I think would do beautifully as a baby blanket...what a joy to give this gift....I will let you know how it works, as will add enough stitches to do the gift.thanks excited to begin....need to finish my current project.....thank you.

  5. First off congratulations... second, I just finished one of your patterns. And I didn't know if you allow selling of the finished product? Thanks.

  6. First off congratulations... second, I just finished one of your patterns. And I didn't know if you allow selling of the finished product? Thanks.
