Ellen from {Creative Passage} has so graciously given me the Versatile Blogger Award!
Thanks Ellen! I am honored!
(I'm on my parents computer and couldn't download the Versatile blogger award logo. I'll add it later.)
So with this award comes a little responsibility.
First, I have to tell you 7 things about myself [that seems like a lot, I may not have 7 things to tell you!]
Second, I get to pass this award along to 5 blogs that I have recently discovered. Considering I've only been in the blogging world for a few months, that could be any blog that I read.
Now I get to bore you with fun facts about myself:
1- I taught myself to crochet just a few months ago, and I love it!
2- I love to sew, but am terrible at it
3- I eat ice cream every night as long as we have it. I have been known to eat it with lunch on occasion as well...
4- I have a BFA in dance performance
5- I very much dislike cooking, if it were up to me, we'd have a live-in cook at our house
6- I'm very organized
7- Here's a fun fact: I can't think of anything else to tell you!
Now for the good part.
Here are 5 great bloggers for you to check out. I may have cheated a little because 3 of these are blogs of my good friends. The other 2 are just some blogs that I have enjoyed reading lately.
All of these bloggers are fantastic:
1- Courtney @ Courtney Marie
{My awesome bestie who writes so eloquently. She'll keep you thinking!}
2- Marisha @ Frugally Marisha
{A fabulous new coupon blog. She leads you to great deals, gives tips, and updates constantly!}
3- Emily @ Funfetti Photography
{A new photography blog. I've always been amazed by the pictures on her family blog and now she has a blog dedicated to her great photographs!}
4- Jerri @ Simply Sweet Home
{So many great recipes on this blog along with other awesome creative ideas!}
5- Amy @ Serving pink lemonade
{I love all of the ideas for kids here, especially crafts geared toward little boys like the felt car mats!}

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