Friday, April 11, 2014

Frinstagram {my favorite time of day}

...this week's instagram photos on Friday...

The boy's favorite time of day is when their daddy gets home from work. How can I tell? Well... they sit out in the driveway just waiting for that oh-so-familiar white pickup truck to turn the corner and come chugging down the street. When they finally see it, they squeal with delight and immediately start asking him for gum. Once they get inside, it's an all out wrestle fest on the living room floor. There's usually lots of laughing. The laughing almost inevitably turns into crying but yet, they still beg for more. 

Now, this doesn't mean they don't love wrestling with me. They definitely try to. If ever I sit or lay down on the floor, there's some magnetic force that draws them to me. They see me on their level and they immediately pounce. I just don't dish it back to them. I told them, "mommy doesn't wrestle, she snuggles."

Which brings me to my favorite time of day. There's something about a good long nap that makes a baby's skin so warm and soft. They smile as I walk into the room (and sometimes pull the covers over their noses saying, "i'm hidin' mom"). I pick them up and their little fuzzy heads rest on my shoulder. Sometimes their tiny hands wrap about my neck and I become a puddle on the floor. We come into my room and sit on the bed where Ande is waiting, eager to show off his latest lego creation. They sit with me, melting into my lap, and I smother them with whispers and kisses.

Those are the moments that happen, no matter how cranky or crazy or fun the morning was. It's like a fresh start in the middle of the day. Those are my favorite moments. Those are the ones I cherish.

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