A month ago, you turned 8! And this past weekend you were baptized.
In our church, children are baptized at 8 so that they can truly understand the covenants and promises that they are making. I am SO proud of you for choosing to be baptized, but I never doubted that you'd make that decision! One of the things I love about you is that you have always tried to make good choices. You like to follow rules and you love to do what is right! It is so clear to me why you were sent to our family first, to be the oldest brother, to be an example and help to your younger siblings. I'm so glad that you'll be the one that they'll be looking up to, the one to guide them to do right.
Right now, your favorite things to do are build transformers with Legos, read Diary of a Wimpy Kid, play with your neighborhood friends, love on your baby sister, play chase with Aunt Laurie's puppy Leo, and make obstacle courses with our zip line! You also started cub scouts and look so adorable in your uniform!
On Mother's Day, you placed a letter for me in the mailbox. When I opened it, I read, " Happy Mother's Day!!! You are the best! There is a surprise right about....now!" And then you gave me a giant hug and said, "Surprise!" I love your creativity and your enormous heart.
Thank you for being you, Ande. I love you!
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